About Us👬

                                                😎😎😎 About Us 😎😎😎

HARIHARAN S/O PARASURAMAN. Identity card number is 931105-08-5211. I was born on 5th November 1993 at Hospital Taiping. I grow up in Taiping and now I'm turned to 23 years old. Marital status is still single. Currently I'm doing degree in Bachelor of Business Administration.

PANNEER SELVAM S/O DARNALAN. Identity card number is 950121-08-5725. I was born on 21st January 1995 at Sitiawan  Maternity. I grow up in Sitiawan and now I'm turned to 21 years old. Marital status is still single. Currently I'm doing degree in Bachelor of Business Administration.

LINGASWARAN S/O VASUDEVAN. Identity card number is 950817-08-6515. I was born on 17th August 1995 at Hospital Besar Teluk Intan. I grow up in Kampar and now I'm turned to 21 years old. Marital status is still single. Currently I’m doing degree in Bachelor of business administration.

UTHAYA KUMAR S/O THANGAVELU. Identity card number is 881027-08-6397. I was born on 27th October 1988 at Hospital Ipoh. I grow up in Ipoh and now I'm turned to 28 years old. Marital status is still single. Currently I’m doing degree in Bachelor of business administration.

CHRISTOPHER RAJ S/O A.X. ARPUTHARAJ. Identity card number is 921116-08-6405. I was born on 16th November 1992 at Chinese Maternity Hospital, Ipoh. I grow up in Ipoh and now I'm turned to 24 years old. Marital status is still single. Currently I’m doing degree in Bachelor of business administration.

AMIT SINGH S/O RANJIT SINGH. Identity card number is 940517-08-5255. I was born on 17th May 1994 at Hospital Besar Ipoh. I grow up in Ipoh and now I'm turned to 22 years old. Marital status is still single. Currently I’m doing degree in Bachelor of business administration.

🔺 Front Of The Yeop's KITCHEN🔺

🔺 Main Entrance Of The Yeop's KITCHEN🔺

                           ⬇⬇ Group Photo of Us ⬇⬇


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